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03/22 关于消费税/GST

马来西亚行消费税将在201541日生效, 到今天为止海关也无法给出明确的答复,也就是说提供了有几种处理方式,这个问题目前应该没有一个正式的答案。所以我们会按以下方案处理。





Statement from GST about importation:

15. If the importation is done by post, the addressee or his agent shall make the declaration of the goods imported on demand by the proper officer of customs in the prescribed form.

16. GST on imported goods will be collected together with other customs duties, if any, at the point of entry. The tax and duties, if any, shall be paid to Customs within 14 days of such declaration before the goods are released from customs control


Statement from GST about e-commerce.

19. The formal rule is that the place of supply of the goods is the place where the delivery of goods begins. If this location is in Malaysia, then GST will be payable for supply purchased in Malaysia. If goods purchased (imported) from outside of Malaysia, then GST is payable upon importation.

